Ribbons, Treats, and Snuggly Pets

Ahhh, Christmas, how I love thee.

I finished wrapping almost 90% of my gifts. I am very pleased with the results. My co-workers are receiving a very Holiday-looking gift. Red striped wrapper, shiny green ribbon and a candy cane treat! YAY *U* Upon seeing my gifts, my sister said, “I want to receive a gift from you now.” BEST COMPLIMENT EVAR.

As the usual Holiday rush attests, it’s one late night after another. All worth it, though. Highest point last week? AVATAR SCREENING. Thanks to Sharkboy’s co-worker’s girlfriend (WHEW), we snagged free passes to the 3D screening. It’s such an AWESOME MOVIE (caps lock, yes. They make me happy). Y’all should catch Avatar now before the MMFF rears it’s head into the theaters.

So, I’m feeling a bit congested with a bad cold? No problemo. I can still scrounge up some Christmas cheer. Of course I can, everybody’s being so generous and helpful, contributing their resources for our IPG Outreach on the 27th. I’ve got a box-ful of goodies for infants, and more to come. I still have to do the groceries from the money we collected. Yay for these blessings. 🙂

Aaaand, for my Christmas gift to anyone who happens to hop onto this page, I am posting the cutest and snuggliest creatures I’ve found over at that addicting blogsite known as Tumblr (don’t be hatin’ WordPress, I still love you!). So here ya go!

Have a wonderful Christmas, guys! =)




Let's snuggle, baybeeee! ❤